Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I don't know why but I cannot figure out how to post the layout from indesign.  I tried uploading it through the photo section and it says not valid.  I will have to post this soon when I can figure out why it won't post the InDesign files.

Images and Layout for Magazine Spread

I have been working at these for the last two weeks and I wanted to post some of my progress.  The skiing was the best best best part about this assignment, hands down.. but it usually is the best thing ever.  :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

project 3 ideas for magazine layout

Today we had our meeting about what idea we would want to develop for our magazine spreads.  I chose to go with the second option, which includes the cover and contents pages as well as two spreads (4 pages) on a specific article.  I had ideas about vegan cooking, skiing/snowboarding, and organic sustainable apparel.  I am highly interested in all of these ideas as they make up a lot of who I am and what I am spending my time doing.  I eventually chose to do an article on Park City with an emphasis on the snow industry/ ski resorts.  I initially was going to do the article in an interview format, but after thinking about it a little further, I think I am going to do a 'day in park city' format.  This would include a morning to night documentation of a day in park city that would highlight the ski and lodging resorts, the atmosphere, the local shops, the night life and other aspects (if needed, the ones listed will most likely take up a two-spread article).  I want to do an actual documentation of the article during the Thanksgiving break when I will be staying up in PC.  I will be taking my own photographs and will be writing my own article for the assignment.  Because of this, I will be focusing on the cover and contents pages for the next week or so because I won't have any images since I will be documenting and taking images during the week of November 21st.  I have decided what my magazine will be and the title I came up with is Snow City Magazine or Snow Cities Magazine.  The magazine discovers and documents different cities throughout the world that make snow and snow activities part of the main stream and which ultimately influences the lifestyle of the people who live there.

Final bookcover for project 2

Here is my final book cover.  I had a few mishaps but overall I am very happy with the results.  I asked my roommate and friends to look at it and see if they would buy or be interested in this book, and they said yes.  So that was great to hear that it looked like a legitimate book cover.  I misspelled Chicago once and when I copied the quote the front quotes did not copy over and the quote also put the period after the end quotes rather than before which is grammatically incorrect.  I should have noticed but it just passed by my eyes.  I am much happier with the spacing and coloring of the final compared to the rough final.  Here it is!